Thank you for visiting "naturally", a website created to share the gifts of nature through photography and storytelling. I offer the photos and stories on this site in the hope that you will be inspired and encouraged to open yourself to the many gifts that surround us every day.
Several years ago, I left a wonderful, rewarding, 32-year-long career as an elementary teacher. Uncertain about the future, I traded in my daybook for hiking boots and a camera, and set off in search of new adventures! I discovered a passion for the natural world that had always been present, but time and a camera enabled me to indulge and share my love of nature in new ways. I have experienced life-changing moments in forests, fields and jungles, along shorelines and roadsides, and in my own backyard. From time to time I have been allowed the privilege of capturing images of these special moments. And these are the images and moments that I share with you.
Birds have been the primary focus of my photography, and appear in most of the Gallery photos and Blog posts. Endangered species are of special interest,
and the "Featured Posts" will contain information and
photos about the rare Piping Plovers that find their way to
our Ontario beaches every spring in an attempt to nest
and raise their young. These little birds are desperately in
need of our attention and protection. All of our migratory
creatures face innumerable challenges as they travel long
distances twice each year. Their tenacity and perseverance
in the face of climate change, habitat loss, human disturbance, and predation inspire awe and admiration. These travellers are truly remarkable, and worthy of our guardianship and care.
"Just ask the animals, and they will teach you.
Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.
Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you.
Let the fish in the sea speak to you."
-Job 12: 7,8

We have been entrusted with a world of great beauty and diversity. In our chaotic, busy lives, may we remember to still ourselves, and
to patiently watch and wait for Nature's miracles to be revealed.

*Special thanks to all of the people who have travelled back roads and trails with me in pursuit of Nature's gifts. Your friendship and willingness to share in the wonder of the natural world have enriched the journey.
My father, Jim Ribey, would have loved to have been included in this group of companions. He walks with me in spirit always.