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Fundraiser calendars and notecards are ready to order!  This year there are 2 different calendar designs from which to choose,  as well as mixed packs of notecards, and there are a few sample photos from each one below. 

Full size calendars (approx. 8" x 11-3/4") are $25, and the smaller desk calendar is $15.  

A package of 10 mixed notecards (approx. 4"x6") is $20.

You may pay by cash, cheque or e-transfer when your calendars are delivered to you.

To order, please fill out the contact form above (or send me an email at, and let me know which products you would like to order.  When calendars are ready, I will let you know, and we will arrange for delivery.  I can deliver your calendar(s) if you are in the Floradale/Elmira area, or we can arrange for pickup or mailing if you are out of the area. 

**All proceeds from the sales of calendars and cards will be donated to Mennonite Central Committee for relief work.**

Calendar # 1:  "Birds" 

This calendar celebrates some of the birds that we see in Ontario at various times of the year..


Calendar #2:  "Butterflies"
This calendar contains images of Butterflies found in our part of Ontario.


Packages of Notecards (10 cards for $20):

Please choose either a mixed pkg. of birds/butterflies (glossy finish),


or winter birds (linen finish).


Thank you for considering supporting this worthwhile cause again this year!  Please contact me if you have questions or  special requests!



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